Table of Contents

Safar Ul-Muzaffar: Repay evil With Good
Repay evil with good, if someone treats you badly, or puts a blame on you, then do not treat him badly in return, rather treat him with good and say good things about him. Just think, the big benefit of this will be that the person who is treating you badly today will also gradually start treating you well and start looking at you with love, our Prophet Mohammadصلى الله عليه وسلم also treats good those who misbehave with him.
Used to behave with love and sympathy. The people of Mecca and Taif gave you severe troubles, if he wanted, he could have taken revenge from them, but he always kept blessing them. It is said in a Hadith: Treat well those who treat you badly.
Safar ul-Muzaffar: The River turn Blue
Egypt is a famous Islamic country, there is a very big river in this country, whose name is “Nile”. The water of River Nile is very clean and very sweet, water continues in this river throughout the year; But this was not the case several hundred years ago, once a year this river would dry up and its water would run out, at that time the Egyptians would throw a girl into the Nile after dressing her in jewelery etc., due to which the river water was released again. The times of our beloved Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم, the beloved Caliph Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه.

There was a time when the Nile River dried up, at that time there was Muslim rule in Egypt, one of the companions, Hazrat Amr bin Aasرضي الله عنه, was the ruler of Egypt, the people of Egypt came to him and said: The Nile River water has dried up, whenever What happens is that we dress a girl in jewelery and throw her in it, after doing this the river gets released, you are the ruler of this country, you give us permission to throw a girl in the river.
Hazrat Amr bin Aasرضي الله عنه belie said: No, no! You should not do this work at all, i is oppression, Islam forbids doing this, you guys stop now. Having said this, Hazrat Amr bin Aas immediately tenue wrote down the entire sette a letter to Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه, in story to Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه.
Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه, wrote a reply to this letter and sent a slip along with that letter and asked to throw it in the river. It was written in that slip: Oh Darya! If you were flowing of your own free will, then we have no need for you and if you were flowing as per the orders of Allah, then we pray to Allah to release your water. As soon as this slip was put in the river Nile, the river started flowing, its water started flowing again and from that day till today it has continued to flow continuously, it has never dried up.
Safar Ul-Muzaffar: Guarding the Tongue
Children! Tongue is a great blessing of Allah Almighty, we talk through tongue, if we did not have tongue we would not be able to talk, hence we should always speak good things through tongue, Allah Almighty is pleased with the one who speaks good things. People also love him, wherever he goes everyone respects him and make him sit close to them and Allah Almighty gets angry with those who say bad things, people also hate him, wherever he goes Yes, everyone runs away from him.
Do not use your tongue in such a way that it hurts others, always speak good things with your tongue, otherwise remain silent; Because the Prophet muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم said that a person who believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good things or else remain silent.
Safar Ul-Muzaffar: Yahya’s Wisdom
mam Malikرضي الله عنه wise, was a great scholar, he lived in Madina Munawwara and taught Hadith Sharif in Masjid Nabawi. People used to come to him from far and wide to gain knowledge, among his disciples was a boy from Undulus, whose name was Yahya. One day a man brought an elephant to the market of Medina.
The people of Medina had never seen an elephant before. When the elephant arrived, there was an uproar, many people ran to see the elephant. Imam Malikرضي الله عنه wer was sitting with the Taliban scholars in Masjid Nabawi. Meanwhile someone came and said: An elephant has come to the market. It was just heard that the Talibs ran to see the elephant, the entire mosque became empty; But Yahya remained sitting in his place and Kept remembering my lesson. When Imam Malikرضي الله عنه saw Yahya he asked: Yahya! You didn’t go to see the elephant? Yahya replied politely: Imam Sahib! I have not come from home to see the elephant, I have come to gain knowledge.
Imam Saheb was very happy to hear this from Yahya, congratulated him, then praying for him said: Yahya, one day you will be a great scholar of the world. Then indeed this statement of Imam Sahib proved to be true. When Yahya went to his homeland Undulus after attaining knowledge, people respected him a lot, he became famous all over the world, even today everyone takes his name with great respect.
Remember children! Those who acquire knowledge with passion get a big name in the world, everyone respects them and also get huge rewards in the hereafter. Therefore, acquire knowledge with great interest, hard work and dedication.
Safar Ul-Muzaffar: To Help Others
Remember children! Helping others is a very good habit, so when you see someone in trouble, then definitely help him, if someone is hungry, he has nothing to eat, then feed him, if someone is sick, help him. If someone does not have money to buy medicine, then get him medicine. If someone has a lot of stuff and is having difficulty carrying it, then go ahead and pick up some of his stuff. If someone is distressed, console him.
Give, if any person has any other need, then fulfill his need, Allah Almighty is very happy by helping others in this way They do happen, they instill love for such a person in people’s hearts, they respect him in this world too and will give him great rewards in the hereafter too, so remember this! Always help others and be of use to others; Because the Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم said: The person who fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah Almighty fulfills his needs.
Safar Ul-Muzaffar: Fulfillment Of promise

There is a mention of a time, dear Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم , you were still young, at that time you had not become a Prophet, in those days you used to do business yourself. Abdullah was his business partner. You often did business with them. One day I discussed with him some matter regarding purchase and sale of some goods. Some of the matter had been decided, something was left that Abdullah had to go for some work.
While leaving he said that you stay here, I will come back and complete the matter. After leaving, Abdullah forgot, he did not remember his promise for three days, when he remembered on the third day, he came running to the same place where both of them were talking three days ago, when he came and saw Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم sitting at the same place and waiting for them.
Abdullah was very ashamed of his actions; But Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم neither got angry nor expressed your displeasure, but said very softly: Abdullah! You gave me a lot of trouble, I have been sitting here waiting for you for three days.
Dear children! How much do you care about the promise you made? In this way, if you also make a promise to someone; So definitely fulfill it, if someone else makes a promise to you and forgets to fulfill it, then forgive him.
Safar Ul-Muzaffar: To Do Miswak
Do Miswak a lot, do not forget to do Miswak while sleeping, after waking up from sleep and especially while doing Wudhu for Namaz, there is a lot of virtue in the Hadith of doing Miswak while doing Wudhu for Namaz; For example, if one does Miswak while performing Wudhu and then offers Namaz, the reward for that Namaz increases manifold. Our Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه said: The prayer offered with Miswak has seventy times more merit than the prayer offered without Miswak. ,
It is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه to do Miswak, you used to do Miswak regularly, there is nothing better than Miswak for cleaning the mouth. Miswak has many benefits, not only does it clean the mouth well, it also strengthens the teeth and protects them from diseases. Also Allah Almighty is pleased and pleased. Our beloved Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه said: Miswak is very cleansing for the mouth and also very pleasing to Allah.
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