Repay Evil with Good: If someone treats you badly or blames you, respond with kindness instead of reciprocating the negativity.
Positive Speech: Speak well of those who mistreat you, focusing on positive remarks rather than negative ones.
Influence Through Kindness: By consistently treating others well, even those who are hostile may eventually change their behavior and view you with love and respect.
Prophet Mohammad's Example: Our Prophet Mohammad exemplified this behavior by showing love and sympathy even to those who misbehaved with him.
Forgiveness Over Revenge: Despite facing severe troubles from the people of Mecca and Taif, Prophet Mohammad(صلى الله عليه وسلم) chose forgiveness and blessings over revenge.
Hadith Guidance: A Hadith advises: "Treat well those who treat you badly," emphasizing the importance of kindness and good conduct in all interactions.