– Egypt is a famous Islamic country. – There is a very big river in this country, whose name is "Nile". – The water of River Nile is very clean and very sweet. – Water continues in this river throughout the year.
– Several hundred years ago, once a year this river would dry up and its water would run out. – At that time, the Egyptians would throw a girl into the Nile after dressing her in jewelry, due to which the river water was released again. – During the times of our beloved Prophet and the beloved Caliph Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه, there was a time when the Nile River dried up.
– At that time, there was Muslim rule in Egypt. – One of the companions, Hazrat Amr bin Aas رضي الله عنه ,was the ruler of Egypt. – The people of Egypt came to him and said: The Nile River water has dried up. – They explained that whenever this happens, they dress a girl in jewelry and throw her in it, after doing this the river gets released.
– They requested permission from Hazrat Amr bin Aasرضي الله عنه to throw a girl in the river. – Hazrat Amr bin Aasرضي الله عنه replied: No, no! You should not do this work at all, it is oppression, Islam forbids doing this, you guys stop now. – Hazrat Amr bin Aas رضي الله عنه immediately wrote down the entire situation in a letter to Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه.
– Hazrat Umarرضي الله عنه wrote a reply to this letter and sent a slip along with it, asking to throw it in the river. – It was written in that slip: Oh Darya! If you were flowing of your own free will, then we have no need for you and if you were flowing as per the orders of Allah, then we pray to Allah to release your water.
– As soon as this slip was put in the river Nile, the river started flowing, its water started flowing again. – From that day till today, it has continued to flow continuously, it has never dried up.
children ! We learn this lesson from this incident: If a person obeys the words of Allah, then all the things in the world obey his words, hence we should also obey the words of Allah Almighty and follow them.