Imam Malik's Teaching: – Imam Malik was a great scholar who lived in Madina Munawwara. – He taught Hadith Sharif in Masjid Nabawi. – People from far and wide came to gain knowledge from him.

Yahya from Undulus: – Among Imam Malik's disciples was a boy named Yahya from Undulus.

The Arrival of the Elephant: – One day, a man brought an elephant to the market of Medina. – The people of Medina had never seen an elephant before, causing an uproar. – Many people, including scholars, ran to see the elephant.

Yahya's Dedication: Yahya's Dedication:While most scholars left to see the elephant, Yahya stayed in his place, focused on his lessons. -Imam Malik noticed Yahya and asked why he did not go to see the elephant.

Yahya's Response: – Yahya replied that he had come to gain knowledge, not to see the elephant. – Imam Malik was very pleased with Yahya's dedication.

Imam Malik's Prediction: – Imam Malik congratulated Yahya and prayed for him, predicting that Yahya would become a great scholar. – This prediction came true as Yahya became highly respected and famous upon returning to Undulus.

 Moral of the Story: Those who acquire knowledge with passion, hard work, and dedication gain great respect and rewards in this world and the hereafter. The story emphasizes the importance of focusing on knowledge acquisition.