– Remember children! Helping others is a very good habit. – When you see someone in trouble, definitely help them. – If someone is hungry and has nothing to eat, feed them.

– If someone is sick, help them. – If someone does not have money to buy medicine, get them medicine. – If someone has a lot of stuff and is having difficulty carrying it, go ahead and pick up some of their stuff.

– If someone is distressed, console them. – If any person has any other need, fulfill their need. – Allah Almighty is very happy when we help others in this way.

– Allah instills love for such a person in people's hearts and gives respects to them in this world, giving great rewards in the hereafter too. – Always help others and be of use to others.

The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "The person who fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah Almighty fulfills his needs."