– Children! The tongue is a great blessing of Allah Almighty. – We talk through the tongue. – Without the tongue, we would not be able to talk.

– Hence, we should always speak good things through the tongue. – Allah Almighty is pleased with those who speak good things. – People also love a person who speaks good things. – Wherever a person who speaks good things goes, everyone respects him and makes him sit close to them.

– Allah Almighty gets angry with those who say bad things. – People also hate a person who says bad things. – Wherever a person who says bad things goes, everyone runs away from him.

– Do not use your tongue in such a way that it hurts others. – Always speak good things with your tongue; otherwise, remain silent.

The Prophet Mohammadصلى الله عليه وسلم said that a person who believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good things or else remain silent.